Using Science-based Fundamentals + The Bubble Theory to fix aggression and reactivity permanently in as little as 6 weeks

  • Go on calm walks that are fun & relaxing for both you and your dog
  • Host friends & family in your home without anxiety or stress
  • ​Explore on exciting new adventures with your best friend happily at your side
  • ​Make trips to the vet and groomer a breeze

"My neighbor couldn't believe he's the same dog!"

The Aggression Academy is a step-by-step online course made up of 7 phases of engaging and fun bite-sized training videos followed by simple, approachable action steps with demonstrations and examples included.

So even the most easily-distracted people can keep focused without getting confused or overwhelmed.

👉 You don’t need any dog training experience or any expensive/special training tools

👉 There is 0 harsh corrections or punishment

👉 And the program works whether you have 1, 2, 3 or more dogs! (or other pets too!)

The Aggression Academy Helps Dogs That Are Human, Dog, Or Leash Aggressive Or Reactive


  • Does your dog bark and lunge at other people or dogs while out on walks?
  • Does your dog bite or snap at other people or dogs that try to come into your home?
  • Does your dog become anxious or fearful as soon as you leave your house?
  • Do you live in a state of crippling anxiety worried that at any moment, something could go horribly wrong?
  • ​Do you feel judged by family, friends, and neighbors when you notice all of the nasty, judgemental looks that they give you and your dog?
  • Does it devastate you that you can’t take your dog to do any of the fun and exciting activities you imagined?
  • ​Do you burn with embarrassment whenever friends and family come over and you have to explain that they’re in the crate upstairs because they bite?
  • ​Do you feel guilty that you have to keep your dog shielded away from the rest of the world and aren’t able to give them the life of adventure and exploration they deserve?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions…
Then the Aggression Academy was made for you. 

It can absolutely change you and your dog’s lives together in a matter of months or even weeks…

And don’t just take it from me:
Meet Your Trainers!



Learn More About Jessa!

Certified professional dog trainer - knowledge assessed. I maintain this certification by working with clients and completing continuing education so I’m always staying up to date on new science in the dog training industry.

I’ve developed a specialization in training medical alert and mobility assistance service dogs for people with disabilities. I am constantly selecting and training dogs to rigorous standards for task work and public access.

I maintain a multi dog & cat household, and offer a unique perspective for helping pet family members thrive in a multi pet environment.

I love to travel and adventure with all of my pets, and share my tips and techniques for successful camping & hiking with dogs and cats.

I try to expand my knowledge and skills to as many species as possible, by volunteering and working with horses, cats, birds, and other wild species.  



Learn More About Ashley!

I hold my CPDT-KA, (Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed) which means I am committed to sharing the most ethical and up to date dog training methods. I am dedicated to my own education and have thousands of hours of continuing education units and experience working with dogs.

I have been training dogs for 10 years and have taught private lessons and group classes for service dog training organizations and dog sporting facilities.

I graduated from the East Valley Institute of Technology and worked as a veterinary assistant for several years. I started shadowing in vet clinics at the age of 12 and have worked in equine, exotic, small animal, and conservation medicine.

I was an undergraduate researcher in an animal behavior lab for 3 years while I earned my B.S. in Biological Sciences. I love delving into the science behind why animals do what they do!

I worked with a wildlife rehabilitation facility for 5 years and have hands-on experience with wild canids like wolves, foxes, and coyotes, (among many other species!)



Learn More About Becca!

Certified Dog Trainer - Comprehension (CDT-C) from ISCDT - Advocating for dogs and helping their humans! I share my knowledge, practices, and patience with owners to help them achieve their goals and have fun doing it.

Continuous learner - Animals, with an emphasis on dogs, have been the love of my life since I can remember. I dedicate my time to studying canine ethology and how dogs communicate and learn. I'm constantly improving my communication and training skills!

Explorer - If my dog can't go, I'm not going! I love experiencing the outdoors and finding new adventures with my dogs - camping, fishing, hiking, and the occasional restaurant.

Volunteer - I continuously practice and improve my handling skills at a local rescue with hands-on activities with the dogs, which is also super beneficial for them!

Team Player - Currently, I'm working with my 3-year-old Labrador, Hogan, training him for Search and Rescue work - hoping to assist local and state SAR teams in the future!


Certified professional dog trainer - knowledge assessed. I maintain this certification by working with clients and completing continuing education so I’m always staying up to date on new science in the dog training industry.

I’ve developed a specialization in training medical alert and mobility assistance service dogs for people with disabilities. I am constantly selecting and training dogs to rigorous standards for task work and public access.

I maintain a multi dog & cat household, and offer a unique perspective for helping pet family members thrive in a multi pet environment.

I love to travel and adventure with all of my pets, and share my tips and techniques for successful camping & hiking with dogs and cats.

I try to expand my knowledge and skills to as many species as possible, by volunteering and working with horses, cats, birds, and other wild species.

Ashley Dunham is the Training Director at Trail & Bone. 

Ashley is a Knowledge Assessed Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA) with over a decade of experience and a specialty in rehabilitating aggression and reactivity. 

Ashley is also a supporting member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC).

She has also pledged adherence to the strict ethical code of the CCPDT (Certification Council For Professional Dog Trainers) and diligently abides by their Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) Effective Behavior Intervention Policy.


I hold my CPDT-KA, (Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed) which means I am committed to sharing the most ethical and up to date dog training methods. I am dedicated to my own education and have thousands of hours of continuing education units and experience working with dogs.

I have been training dogs for 10 years and have taught private lessons and group classes for service dog training organizations and dog sporting facilities. 

I graduated from the East Valley Institute of Technology and worked as a veterinary assistant for several years. I started shadowing in vet clinics at the age of 12 and have worked in equine, exotic, small animal, and conservation medicine.

I was an undergraduate researcher in an animal behavior lab for 3 years while I earned my B.S. in Biological Sciences. I love delving into the science behind why animals do what they do!

I worked with a wildlife rehabilitation facility for 5 years and have hands-on experience with wild canids like wolves, foxes, and coyotes, (among many other species!)


Certified Dog Trainer - Comprehension (CDT-C) from ISCDT - Advocating for dogs and helping their humans! I share my knowledge, practices, and patience with owners to help them achieve their goals and have fun doing it.

Continuous learner - Animals, with an emphasis on dogs, have been the love of my life since I can remember. I dedicate my time to studying canine ethology and how dogs communicate and learn. I'm constantly improving my communication and training skills!

Explorer - If my dog can't go, I'm not going! I love experiencing the outdoors and finding new adventures with my dogs - camping, fishing, hiking, and the occasional restaurant.

Volunteer - I continuously practice and improve my handling skills at a local rescue with hands-on activities with the dogs, which is also super beneficial for them!

Team Player - Currently, I'm working with my 3-year-old Labrador, Hogan, training him for Search and Rescue work - hoping to assist local and state SAR teams in the future!

Anyone, At Any Age & At Any Skill Level, Can Jump Into The Aggression Academy And Start Making Progress From Day 1

And that’s the truth – it seriously doesn't matter how much experience you have…

Whether it be 1 decade, 1 year, or 1 minute of training experience….

Since the Academy’s material is broken up into bite-sized lessons

You will be able to jump in directly to your current level right away.
So if you’ve been working with your dog for years and have a foundation firmly in place already, you don’t need to slog through concepts you’ve already mastered
"Your program has been very helpful. I have previous experience but have never trained a puppy who is quite as reactive as the one I'm working with now. I share your understanding of canine behavior and am 100% on board with your methodology. My pup has progressed beautifully! I really appreciate your work. Thanks!"
Katherine ★★★★★
Or if you’re brand new, you can start to build your skills and your dog’s impulse control and confidence at an appropriate pace for you, so you never get overwhelmed.
And while we created the Aggression Academy for any owner,

It’s for any age and any breed of dog too.

From a 6-month old Maltese to a 4-year old Malinois to a 10-year old Mastiff...

Doesn’t matter — our team of trainers can help you apply the concepts in the Academy to your unique dog and situation, that’s what they’re there for!
"I am enjoying each of the segments of the course and I now understand that I have been allowing Brady too much freedom to do as he pleases and at almost 4 years old, I felt it is kind of too late to make certain changes for him, but I was wrong. I learn so much from each segment and go back and rewatch some of it as a refresher. But I'm finally enjoying Brady with where he is at. Thank you"
Sharon ★★★★★
"The training certainly was an adjustment for my 10 yr old and he didn't take it very well at first, since he's done whatever he wants when he wants all his life, but clearly it was what was needed. Thank you."
Rusty ★★★★★

Here’s Some Of What You’ll Find Inside The Aggression Academy:

The Aggression Academy is broken up into 7 Phases.

If you are starting from scratch, which we always recommend, then you will start at Phase 1, Video 1 and work at your own pace through each of the modules until you complete Phase 1 and all the milestones inside it.

Then you’ll be given the exact action steps to take for that phase and shown exactly how to do them through simple instructions and video examples.

And then all you do is work on those action steps until you feel you’ve mastered them.

Then you move onto Phase 2! Then Phase 3, and so on.

This 1-step-at-a-time structure is a huge reason why people in this Academy are so successful.

It keeps you focused and present on only what to do in that moment

So you’ll never feel overwhelmed or confused.
Phase 1:
1.1: Preparing for You and Your Dog for Behavioral Modification

1.2: Aggression & Reactivity Breakdown

1.3: Your Dog's Bubble

1.4: Safety for Your Dog & Others
Phase 2:
2.1: Becoming The Trainer - Diving into Operant Conditioning

2.2: Your Dog's Thinking Brain: Obedience Skills

2.3: Developing Loose Leash Walking
⦿ BUILDING THE BASICS: Diving deep on using markers, bridges, and the 4 quadrants most effectively.
⦿ PURPOSEFUL OBEDIENCE TRAINING: Covering what obedience training does and does not do in aggression rehabilitation
⦿ LEARNING TO TEACH: Becoming a great teacher for your dog through luring, shaping, capturing, and targeting
⦿ SAME BEHAVIOR, DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT: Learn how to generalize the behaviors you teach your dog so they will perform them anywhere, not just in your home or backyard.
⦿ COMING WHEN CALLED: How to build up a perfect recall, from nearly any distance in any environment.
⦿ STRESS-FREE WALKS: Getting rid of pulling without punishment-based tools. Any dog can learn to walk nicely with appropriate patience and technique!
⦿ SETTING THE SCHEDULE: Creating your unique training plan that works best for you and your dog
Phase 3:
3.1: Canine Body Language & Seeing Triggers

3.2: Understanding Counter Conditioning & Settling

3.3: Where to Train & Working with Helpers

3.4: Advancing Obedience & Your Dog's Self-Control

3.5: Skills for Encountering Triggers On Leash
Phase 4:
4.1: Checking In On Your Progress

4.2: Breed Influences & Enrichment for Your Dog

4.3: Advancing Loose Leash Walking & Building Structured Play

4.4: Looking at Your Dog's Mental State

4.5: The Bubble Theory - Game #1 (BAT)
⦿ REAL WORLD READY: Checking in on your progress, your training schedule, and your goals to set yourself up for real world success
⦿ SELECTIVITY IS NORMAL: Covering what normal social canine behavior actually looks like. Not every dog is going to be a social butterfly!
⦿ BREED BREAKDOWNS: Breed DOES influence behavior, but that doesn’t need to prevent you from reaching your goals once you understand what you’re up against
⦿ PLAYTIME: Building real world impulse control through playing games in the real world
⦿ PREPARATION EVALUATION: Taking stock of where both you and your dog are and how ready you are for facing the triggers in controlled environments
⦿ THE TIRED DOG MYTH: Learning the best physical and mental state for your dog to be in to retain what they learn
⦿ NO FOOD, NO PROBLEM: You won’t always have food/treats on you in real life, learn how to be just as effective without it
⦿ BUBBLE THEORY: Learning how to utilize the Bubble Theory, the pros and cons of each game, and safe handling techniques
Phase 5:
5.1: Checking In on Foundation Skills

5.2: The Bubble Theory - Game #2 (CAT)

5.3: Training Around Real World Triggers
Phase 6:
6.1: Shrinking Your Dog's Bubble

6.2: Stranger Danger! Getting Closer for People-Fearful Dogs

6.3: Stranger Danger! Getting Close for Dog-Fearful Dogs

6.4: Making Friends for Overly-Excited Dogs
⦿ GETTING CLOSE TO TRIGGERS: The training is working! Learn how we continue to get closer and closer safely.
⦿ “HE’S NOT FRIENDLY”: Going over the best ways to tell other people and dogs your dog’s thresholds comfortably
⦿ GO SAY HI: Teaching your human aggressive dog how to greet people properly while giving them the opportunity to choose not to
⦿ GREETING GUIDELINES: learn the best ways to set up a greeting between dogs for a dog-aggressive dog and why we avoid on-leash greetings
⦿ LEARN TO EARN: For overly excitable/frustrated dogs, implement the “Learn to Earn” system to give both you and them what they want
Phase 7:
7.1: Post-Recovery: Sustaining Your Dog's Progress!
"The First time 'Facing the Trigger', I'd say it was a success!!"
“Your program was my last thread of hope with Wilson. And overall, I love it. A big THANK YOU for offering a less expensive option. We’ve already spent so much $ on training that I wouldn’t have allowed myself to purchase yet another expensive attempt at fixing my dog. I’m so grateful.”
Sue F. ★★★★★
"The First time 'Facing the Trigger', I'd say it was a success!!"
“Your program was my last thread of hope with Wilson. And overall, I love it. A big THANK YOU for offering a less expensive option. We’ve already spent so much $ on training that I wouldn’t have allowed myself to purchase yet another expensive attempt at fixing my dog. I’m so grateful.”
Sue F. ★★★★★
"I have seen some very good changes in Jasper. He is a Siberian Husky/Chow mix and has always been a nervous/sensitive dog and fearful of people and other dogs outside of the family. He is very good with family and with my other dogs.  He used to growl and lunge at people and dogs as we would walk in the park. He would growl and cry as he saw activity from the window and then run back and forth nervously throughout the house. People he was not familiar with he would growl and try to lunge when they came into the house.  Since I have started the training, his behavior has improved tremendously. He is much more relaxed. He doesn't seem bothered by people or dogs as we walk past them in the park.....even if they growl or bark.  I am now able to stop and chat with people when I see them and Jasper will sit calmly by my side. People stop me all the time to ask me about Jasper...he has very striking looks.  He isn't darting his gaze back and forth continually to watch for "threats" anymore. It's nice to see him relaxing and enjoying his walks. He hasn't been overagitated at all when he hears outside noises or sees something from the window. Most of the time, the noises and sights don't faze him. Even when he does get a little excited on rare occasions, he can easily be brought back to a relaxed state using calm commands and reassurance. Implementing rules and structure, working on building a trusting relationship with Jasper, developing clear communication with him, and working on building his confidence have gone a long way in changing his behaviors for the better. I am very pleased with his progress."
Lynn K. ★★★★★

“Spend an hour a day training him, and in about 6 months we should start seeing some good results”

Crazy right?

Funny enough, people who hire trainers like this are often so desperate, they're more than willing to wait that long.
But you shouldn’t need to spend hours per day training and wait 6 months in order to see real results

And you don’t have to

In fact you don’t even need to devote multiple hours per week to training
Because when you’re in the Academy, here’s how much time we ask you to spend actively training:

5 minutes, twice a day.

That’s It. 10 minutes a day of training, total.

That’s all the time you need to start to see real, tangible progress in your dog in as little as a week!

Some people move quicker, some dogs require a bit more patience. Either way, that’s perfectly fine!

Whatever pace you and your dog are most comfortable working at, is the pace that’s going to bring you the most success.

“This sounds great but realistically… what kind of results can I expect?”

It's completely normal to be skeptical.

Many professional trainers and behaviorists promise their clients to turn their aggressive or reactive dog into happy-go-lucky social butterfly who loves every person and dog they came across…
But that's not realistic… at all.

Even dogs who have no issues with aggression or reactivity, the vast majority are still *Selective* with who they want to socialize with…
And that’s okay!

After all, do you LOVE every single person you meet? Probably not!

But despite that, you can (hopefully!) still walk down a street past other people without screaming at or hitting them!

That’s why the first goal for every dog in the Aggression Academy is to achieve a state of indifference, or neutrality, around their triggers.

We can’t promise you that your dog will be a social butterfly, (though many dogs in the Academy now are!) but *every dog* can learn to behave politely and calmly in any reasonable environment through The Bubble Theory.

Real-World Results From Aggression Academy Students:


"The other dog was across the street, we walked by... No reaction!"

"We've made it 2 weeks now without any reactiveness at all."

"I was afraid I had gotten this innately aggressive dog that I set up for failure..."

"He has not shown any reaction for 2 or 3 weeks"

"She's starting to look to me... I'm kinda thrilled"

"It's not over... But It's soooo much better!"

But Your Dog Is Different And This Won’t Work For You...

That’s what that little voice in your head is probably saying to you right now…

“This all sounds great”

“But my situation is different and this won't work on my dog”….

If that’s how you’re feeling right now, that’s completely natural.

But we can guarantee that if you and your dog are both physically and mentally well enough to execute the training steps… you will make progress

And yes, even if:
Your Dog Is Ultra-Energetic: 
You will learn how to calm them on command, and bring their focus to you with our Relaxation Protocol
The Weather Is Too Hot/Cold: 
We can modify the exercises and games to work just as well indoor-only until the weather becomes tolerable. Oftentimes, this is a blessing in disguise!
Your Dog Doesn’t Work For Food, Toys, or Praise: 
This is more common then you might think! We have a whole module devoted to finding your dog’s favorite reward and building their motivation for it without becoming over-reliant on food or treats.
You Travel Often: 
Our trainers have TONS of tips, tricks, and principles for traveling during the training process so you don’t lose your progress, whether they travel with you or not.
Your dog is stubborn and doesn’t listen: 
Some dogs are more independent and don’t care about pleasing you as much as others, but every dog is motivated by something! Once you learn to motivate them properly, which we’ll teach you how to do, their “stubborness” just melts away.
You’re the only household member willing to train: Of course, it’d be ideal if everyone in the household wanted to train, but it only takes 1 loving, committed owner to turn a dog around. And I have a feeling that’s you!
You’re super busy and just don’t have the time:
All the lessons in the Academy are video lessons, so if you’re *really* scrunched for time, you can just listen while showering, eating, driving, doing the dishes, etc. We also provide a schedule template and many other time hacks!
Training is boring to you: 
Training should never be boring! If it’s boring, then you won’t do it consistently and your dog won’t want to do it either. That’s why we have several different games within every phase that are specifically designed to make training fun for you and your dog!
You don’t have any people or dogs to help you: 
This is extremely common, but the vast majority of people do have people/dogs willing to help and we have a whole lesson devoted to how to find and ask them! And if you’re really stuck and can’t find anyone, we offer several alternatives that can work as well!
Your dog is too strong for you to handle: 
In one of the Free Bonuses you receive when you enroll in the Academy (more on that in a bit!) We discuss how to safely and effectively handle your dog even if they’re twice your size and could pull you down the street!
You don’t know what tools to use: 
We love talking tools! Our trainers will happily share their recommendation for the best tools and brands for you and your dog based on your unique circumstances.
One of the things we pride ourselves on is how our trainers are able to adapt the training program to anyone’s unique needs.

That’s why we're so confident that once you enroll, as long as you’re willing to put in the time & effort, you’ll very quickly start to notice incredible progress!
Your Dog Is Ultra-Energetic: 
You will learn how to calm them on command, and bring their focus to you with our Relaxation Protocol
The Weather Is Too Hot/Cold: 
We can modify the exercises and games to work just as well indoor-only until the weather becomes tolerable. Oftentimes, this is a blessing in disguise!
Your Dog Doesn’t Work For Food, Toys, or Praise: 
This is more common then you might think! We have a whole module devoted to finding your dog’s favorite reward and building their motivation for it without becoming over-reliant on food or treats.
You Travel Often: 
Our trainers have TONS of tips, tricks, and principles for traveling during the training process so you don’t lose your progress, whether they travel with you or not.
Your dog is stubborn and doesn’t listen: 
Some dogs are more independent and don’t care about pleasing you as much as others, but every dog is motivated by something! Once you learn to motivate them properly, which we’ll teach you how to do, their “stubborness” just melts away.
You’re the only household member willing to train: Of course, it’d be ideal if everyone in the household wanted to train, but it only takes 1 loving, committed owner to turn a dog around. And I have a feeling that’s you!
You’re super busy and just don’t have the time:
All the lessons in the Academy are video lessons, so if you’re *really* scrunched for time, you can just listen while showering, eating, driving, doing the dishes, etc. We also provide a schedule template and many other time hacks!
Training is boring to you: 
Training should never be boring! If it’s boring, then you won’t do it consistently and your dog won’t want to do it either. That’s why we have several different games within every phase that are specifically designed to make training fun for you and your dog!
You don’t have any people or dogs to help you: 
This is extremely common, but the vast majority of people do have people/dogs willing to help and we have a whole lesson devoted to how to find and ask them! And if you’re really stuck and can’t find anyone, we offer several alternatives that can work as well!
Your dog is too strong for you to handle: 
In one of the Free Bonuses you receive when you enroll in the Academy (more on that in a bit!) We discuss how to safely and effectively handle your dog even if they’re twice your size and could pull you down the street!
You don’t know what tools to use: 
We love talking tools! Our trainers will happily share their recommendation for the best tools and brands for you and your dog based on your unique circumstances.
One of the things we pride ourselves on is how our trainers are able to adapt the training program to anyone’s unique needs.

That’s why we're so confident that once you enroll, as long as you’re willing to put in the time & effort, you’ll very quickly start to notice incredible progress!

“I’ve learned so much, I feel like I could be a dog trainer now! LOL”

See the reason why everyday dog owners have such great success with the “Aggression Academy”

is because it’s been meticulously designed to provide you with the full education that is absolutely essential in order to heal aggression and reactivity for good.

Because, In the Academy, not only are the exact steps of what to do simply laid out, explained, and demonstrated for you...
But you’re the one implementing those changes,

everything comes from *you*, in the environment your dog lives in every day.

Which means you will become an extremely proficient dog handler and trainer along the way

And that’s a skill that will last you a lifetime and no one can ever take away from you.
Now, we have to mention that if you’re just looking for a quick training “hack” that will magically transform your dog in an instant, then this isn’t for you

Because that’s just not realistic

But if you’re looking for something real, then you’re in the right place

Because to get rid of a dog’s aggression or reactivity permanently, it does take time, effort, and consistency from you
But the reward of fulfilling your dog’s potential and giving them the opportunity to live the life they deserve is more than worth it
So no, The Aggression Academy is not some magic pill 💊you can give your dog that instantly transforms them into their best selves.

Trust me, we would all love for that to be true

But it is the next best thing
and the reason why is because it combines Jessa, Ashley, and Becca’s 25+ years of professional experience working with dogs and owners of all backgrounds, ages, and life circumstances...

with Jon's half-decade of experience on the other side, as a dog owner who wanted nothing more than to help their best friend.

That combination of both perspectives is what’s made the Aggression Academy the simplest and most reliable way possible to heal your dog’s aggression or reactivity.
And that’s all we could hope for… wouldn’t you agree?

Why a digital Program?

With digital programs, you’re able to consume the information and learn at your own pace, in the most comfortable setting for you.
Since you can access your program from anywhere at any time, you have the flexibility to go over the information multiple times and always come back to refresh your knowledge. You don’t need to try and retain all the information from a one-time lecture from a trainer anymore.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED. When working with a trainer in-person, it is near impossible to be able to learn and digest all of the information relevant to you. With our online programs, the How, What, and the Why are expanded on, allowing for you to have a full understanding of how to rehabilitate your dog.
Through digital instruction, you implement what you learn yourself every day, and can get feedback from expert trainers any time. This will allow you to develop your own skills and become an amazing trainer and handler yourself. And that’s a skill that will be with you the rest of your life!
“Thank You!! I was hesitant at first because of it being online, but It’s helped my poor boy so much and it’s so exciting to see him build his confidence!”

Why a digital Program?

With digital programs, you’re able to consume the information and learn at your own pace, in the most comfortable setting for you.
Since you can access your program from anywhere at any time, you have the flexibility to go over the information multiple times and always come back to refresh your knowledge. You don’t need to try and retain all the information from a one-time lecture from a trainer anymore.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED. When working with a trainer in-person, it is near impossible to be able to learn and digest all of the information relevant to you. With our online programs, the How, What, and the Why are expanded on, allowing for you to have a full understanding of how to rehabilitate your dog.
Through digital instruction, you implement what you learn yourself every day, and can get feedback from expert trainers any time. This will allow you to develop your own skills and become an amazing trainer and handler yourself. And that’s a skill that will be with you the rest of your life!
“Thank You!! I was hesitant at first because of it being online, but It’s helped my poor boy so much and it’s so exciting to see him build his confidence!”

The Best Way To Create Lasting Change In Your Dog Is Through Online Training

*cue eye roll*

Look, we get it. 

How could learning dog training possibly be more effective online than in-person?

The truth is, it’s not.

If we could ship Jessa, Ashley, and Becca out to you so they could be there with you every day, teaching you 1 phase at a time, demonstrating how to perform each exercise, correcting your form/technique when necessary, and encouraging you as you go along… 

that would be even more effective than the Aggression Academy.

But not only are world class trainers like them super hard to find…

But they’re also extremely busy

And expensive.
Even if you were able to find a trainer capable of teaching you this information, who had the time available to do it, it would easily cost you upwards of $100 an hour or more!

Where with The Aggression Academy, you have multiple world-class trainers in your pocket, AND you have access to them and their lessons 24/7/365…

for a fraction of the price of an in-person trainer
Because by enrolling in the Aggression Academy, you’re essentially paying the equivalent of just 1 private lesson from an in-person trainer... which often cost upwards of $100-200 an hour or more!

So it’s no wonder why over 3,000 dog owners have enrolled in the Aggression Academy

Not to mention it takes much more than one session to heal aggression and reactivity (as you likely already know...)

So those $100-200 payments can rack up quickly... to the point where you feel forced to accept that nothing can be done to help your dog’s aggression

Simply because you can’t afford it.

This is why we made the Aggression Academy affordable for everybody…

Because then, anybody, for just 50% of the cost of just 1 in-person session can...

finally leave the stress, anxiety, and paranoia of owning an aggressive or reactive dog behind.
All those times you had to mastermind your walk to take a specific route at a specific time just to avoid running into any other dogs...

Or maybe like those times you would pass by young children, and you grip your dog’s leash tighter with a pit of anxiety in your stomach…

Or all the times when you’d see a stranger across the street and silently pray your dog would miss them just this once…

All of this can finally be put in the past
And you can have the life together you dreamed of when you first adopted your best friend…

Where you could take your dog with you to the park, the beach, or on a hike…

or happily have friends and family over for dinner…

Or simply be able to take a stress-relieving walk around the block at the end of the day
Because as soon as you enroll in the Aggression Academy...

Slowly but surely

Not only will you notice your dog’s inappropriate reactions start to fade…

But you’ll be equipped with the ability to read their body language and what they’re trying to tell you

And before you know it, the disheartening feelings of hopelessness will be nothing but a memory

And you’ll both finally live the peaceful, fulfilling lives you deserve together.
"I like the program, my young dog is doing well so far. He is doing great with his aggression issues. I am surprised àt how well he is doing. I am so glad that he is improving, and that I bought this program. It has been a lifesaver! Thank you."
Richard & Judi ★★★★★
When we created The Aggression Academy, we made sure to create something that would actually get people the results they’re looking for.

But more than that, I want you to be able to get those results without needing to spend thousands of dollars.

So to enroll in The Aggression Academy, you don’t need to spend the $2,500 Jon spent on just 1 of the 3 trainers he hired…

You don't need to spend $400 a month for weekly private lessons with an in-person trainer...

In fact, you don’t even need to spend a quarter of that!

You can live the life with your dog that you have always dreamed of… 

for just $79, one-time

That’s just 3% the price of an average 3-week board & train, and half the price of just 1 standard private lesson!

Now, while the Aggression Academy alone is worth 10x the $79 price...

that’s still not all you’ll get!


Dream Dogs Pack:

$29/month retail value
Dream Dogs Pack is a premium community made up of our team of world-class trainers + other members in The Aggression Academy.

Here you can ask as many specific and detailed questions as you can come up with to Jessa, Ashley, or anyone else… 

and expect a specific and detailed answer back the same day.

Or if you prefer privacy, you also get private direct-message access to all of our trainers!

You can also leave comments and concerns, offer suggestions for additional tutorials or lessons, share your progress updates, or just get some emotional support from others going through the same journey you are.

But that’s *still* not all you're getting when you enroll today


Front Door Manners Course

$49 retail value
Once you’ve successfully rehabilitated your dog’s aggression… the next thing to do is teach them proper front door manners!

So when you enroll today, you’ll get our Front Door Manners video course for completely free!

Imagine finally being able to welcome visitors into your home and have your dog greet them appropriately!


Weekly Q&A Livestream

$100/week retail value
Every week, either Ashley or Jessa will go live and answer every question you and your fellow Academy members have. 

Getting direct and instant access to a world-class trainer like Jessa or Ashley would normally cost upwards of $100 an hour! 

Right now only, you get it for completely free!

And there's still one more free bonuis if you enroll today:


training in extreme weather infographics

$9 retail value
Upon enrollment, you’ll also receive free infographics walking you through exactly how to train in hot or cold weather safely, effectively, and comfortably for both you and your dog.

You’ll get product & tool recommendations, training strategies, health markers to look out for, and more!

Finally: because of how effective this program is... 
we really want this to be a no-brainer decision for you.

So to make sure you’re completely covered,

When you enroll in the Aggression Academy,

You’re automatically protected against any risk with our 
Turbo Tail Wagging Guarantee:
Turbo-Tail Wagging Guarantee
If after 30 days you aren’t SO happy with the Aggression Academy that your metaphorical Tail is wagging at turbo speed…

then we’ll send you a full refund with a personal apology for wasting your time —— something you’ll never find from traditional training options.

That’s a 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee With No Questions Asked…

That’s how confident we are in the Academy and in Jessa, Ashley, & Becca.
So now, it's as simple as this:

By enrolling in the Aggression Academy today, in just a matter of weeks... 

You’ll either be thrilled with the remarkable progress you’ve made with your dog that many people would claim is impossible…

or you'll get every single penny you invested back...

So Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Enroll In The Aggression Academy Today:

👉 All 7 Phases of The Aggression Academy ($297 value)
👉 FREE BONUS #1: Dream Dogs Pack ($29 a month retail value)
👉 FREE BONUS #2: Front Door Manners ($49 retail value)
👉 FREE BONUS #3: Weekly Q&A Livestream ($100/hour retail value)
👉 FREE BONUS #4: Training In Extreme Weather Infographics ($9 retail value)
So in the first month you're in The Aggression Academy... you'll be getting $784 worth of value...

For just 1 payment of $79.
And you’re getting all of this while still being protected by our Turbo Tail-Wagging Guarantee.
So essentially, you can enroll in the Academy and start training completely risk-free for 30 days.

And no, there’s no catch, if you don't ❤️LOVE❤️ the Academy, you get every penny back, no questions asked.

That’s how confident we am that the Aggression Academy will help you. All you need to do is start now and get to training!
"Thank you so much for the videos, they were a huge help. Hazel has always been reasonably well behaved but is very reactive to other dogs. Halfway through week 1 and my wife and I are already noticing a huge difference in her demeanor.She's also much more comfortable in her crate thanks to the straw you recommended! Our roommate made a joke of being concerned over how quiet she's been all day. I attached a pic of her hanging out in her crate of her own free will which previously was unheard of!"
Kyle and Amanda ★★★★★
"Thank you so much for the videos, they were a huge help. Hazel has always been reasonably well behaved but is very reactive to other dogs. Halfway through week 1 and my wife and I are already noticing a huge difference in her demeanor.She's also much more comfortable in her crate thanks to the straw you recommended! Our roommate made a joke of being concerned over how quiet she's been all day. I attached a pic of her hanging out in her crate of her own free will which previously was unheard of!"
Kyle and Amanda ★★★★★
 Why You Need To Enroll Today
Firstly, we want to thank you for taking the time to read this page.

Because here’s the thing…

This page is not short (understatement, we know).

And for you to spend all this time reading through this page tells us 2 things:

1 — You’re an amazing, committed dog owner who would do anything to help your best friend.

And 2 — You and your dog need help.
You wouldn’t still be reading if those 2 things weren’t true.

That’s why we’ve set it up as best as I can to make sure you start now.

Because every, single day:
❌  Dogs have to be rehomed or euthanized

​❌ Innocent people, oftentimes children, and dogs get bitten and seriously hurt

❌ And good, loving owners who are seriously trying their best get sued and prosecuted
You can’t put off the decision to make a change.

When you have an aggressive dog, your life can be flipped upside down in the blink of an eye.

It's happened to us.

 And if we can help it, we won’t let that happen to you.

So don’t wait.

Click the button below, enroll now, and get to training!

You and your dog will both be so grateful that you did.

Thanks again for reading. We’ll see you inside!!
"Hi Ashley, Just wanted to follow up with you as the program comes to an end. I've seen a lot of good progress with Pauile, and I know that over time he will continue to improve! Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate it!"
Kaitlyn ★★★★★
"Just wanted to thank you for your Academy! Ellie has learned the boundaries of the property and is doing much better!  She barks at the neighbors but does not go across the property line. We still have socialization to do. This class was very good information especially for me. Thank you for your time!"
Jackie ★★★★★
"I had Cash on the long line last night and my friend brought her dog out. Cash was AMAZING!!  He would look at the other dog and then look at me. I rewarded him. He never reacted. We were able to go within 5 feet of the other dog. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!"
Sue W. ★★★★★
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How do I know if this will help my specific problem?

The Aggression Academy will teach you how to fix human, dog, or leash aggression & reactivity. Meaning if your dog growls, lunges, excessively barks, or bites at other people, other dogs, or while on the leash, then The Aggression Academy applies to you and your dog.

It also doesn’t matter whether you live on a farm or in a 20th floor apartment in the heart of a city, the principles are the same and can be applied anywhere by anyone.

This program is not for you if your dog's primary issue is one of the following:

- Owner-directed aggression, which is Aggressive behavior towards you or other human members of your household
- In-home dog-on-dog aggression, which is Aggression between 2 or more of your dogs living in your home
- Food Aggression, which is aggressive behavior only around food
- Prey drive, which is instinctual aggression toward cats, squirrels, rabbits, etc

What training methods do you use and teach?

There are no specific “methods” that will work for every dog with aggression problems, and that fact is a big part of how we formed our training strategy, so there are several “methods” that are taught inside the course.

To name a few: positive reinforcement, marker training, structured & free walks, play, distance, duration, and distraction, home rules & boundaries, Constructional Aggression Treatment, "Look at That", Behavioral Modification Training, and more.

All of these different training methods or exercises have a big place in fixing aggression. Some dogs might turn around with just 1, while another dog might need all of it. It’s impossible to know beforehand, which is why using just 2-3 of the same methods for every dog is not going to produce results.

There is a specific process that needs to be done to incorporate all of these methods and more, and that is what ensures success!

Some methods we do NOT use: ecollar training, prong collars, punishment, flooding (where you expose your dog to their trigger for extended periods of time until they get used to it. this rarely works and usually makes things worse).

My dog has been aggressive/reactive for years… will the Aggression Academy still help?

Yes! One of the amazing things about dogs is their ability to adapt their behavior to their environment and current experiences.

This will require more effort and repetition because these responses are more ingrained, but dogs are always capable of learning new behaviors. If a dog’s environment and the outcome of their behavior changes, they will change which behaviors they use.

How much time does the training take?

Our belief is that training with any dog, but especially a formerly-aggressive dog, should never end. And that’s a big reason why we created the Aggression Academy in a membership format, so you can continue to improve and level up with your dog long after you’ve conquered the aggression or reactivity problem.

But in terms of a timeline to rehabilitate the aggression/reactivity, the beauty of the Aggression Academy’s membership format is that it allows people to go at their own pace, depending on their dog(s), situation, and learning style.

Some people may be very skilled handlers already and just need that accountability and guidance to cross the finish line, so they may see huge success in a couple weeks. Other people may be starting from scratch and prefer to move slow and steady, so it may take them longer.

Our advice is: don’t worry about how long it will take to reach the end result you’re looking for, instead focus on how much time you can spend with your dog, day after day, week after week, consistently. Once we figure that out together, success will come!

What makes this different from all the other people who also claim they can fix aggression and reactivity?

There are many things that make the Aggression Academy different, but a couple major differentiators are:

it doesn’t focus on trying to correct the symptoms of the issue: biting, barking, lunging, etc. It focuses on mending the root cause: fear, anxiety, stress, distrust, frustration, etc.

It educates you, the owner, on how to fix the problem yourself, in your home, which is where the dog lives. Changes made in a trainer’s house or facility are far less likely to stick when the dog gets back in your home, with you.

Our trainers strive to teach you the “why” behind every part of the training process. We want you to gain real mastery of the skills we show you combined with understanding what’s happening mentally and emotionally for your dog. You should be able to apply these training skills to this dog and every dog who joins your family from here on out.

It takes the dog through a process of building up their confidence in themselves and in you, how to behave with you, how to control their impulses, bringing out their personality, showing them their trigger is nothing to be afraid of, then ultimately showing them that their trigger can actually be a good thing. The vast majority of training programs either skip to the last step or just do obedience training.

The Academy is unique in that it is a program that has been remade 3 times over based on previous client feedback to make it better and better. On top of that, it’s been created with the perspective of world-class trainers, of course, but also from Jon’s perspective, who is an owner that was in the same position as you and struggled to overcome it himself. That combination of the angle of both the owner and the trainer makes the Academy one of a kind.

What are your qualifications?

We have a team of 3 highly-qualified dog trainers!

Jessa Parker: Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA)
Ashley Dunham: Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA)
Becca Levan: Certified Dog Trainer - Comprehension (CDT-C)

What tools do I need?

To perform what’s taught inside The Aggression Academy, the only tools you’ll need are a regular collar, a regular leash, food, and a toy (could even be just a stick!).  

All of these items are things that every dog should have, and it’s all you need. If you don’t have one of these tools, I highly recommend getting them for all dogs you have now and in the future, even if you don’t get this program.

Other tools may be recommended throughout the program depending on your unique circumstances, but none are mandatory.

How does the program work?

The Aggression Academy contains a course, a private community, and a catalog of other content (videos, articles, etc). All with the goal of helping an everyday dog owner rehabilitate their dog’s aggression or reactivity.

The course is made up of 7 Phases and each phase builds upon the previous one, so you’re never overwhelmed and only work on the step in front of you. All content is open from the first day of enrollment so you can begin at the Phase that is appropriate for you and your dog’s current level.

All clients have the ability to post any questions they have, privately or publicly in the community, and will be answered in detail by at least 1 of our trainers within the next 24 hours.

Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Yes! Our Turbo Tail-Wagging Guarantee is a 30-day, no questions asked money-back guarantee for anyone who isn’t so thrilled with the Academy that their tail is wagging at turbo speed!!

What should I do once I enroll in the Aggression Academy?

Once you enroll in the Aggression Academy, you will receive an email with the exact steps on how to access your program. Once you’re in, there’s nothing else to do but get started!

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